Advanced Codependence: Relationship Recovery with Bonus Trauma Materials
A House that Grace Built
We will use A House that Grace Built book and explore some other principles related to trauma recovery. This workshop is a journey of heart that explores intimacy, relationships and the empowerment of rebuilding life on the strong foundation of grace.
**Discount Codes**
We ask for your donation to help support our mission at Spirit of Life Recovery & Living Free Institute. However, we don't want anyone to not be able to participate because of financial constraints. If you cannot afford the listed price, please use a discount code. Furthermore, if you already were registered for this course, use the code so you don't pay again. Thank you for supporting SOLR and Living Free Institute!
Need a full scholarship? Contact
Course Starts Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 10:00 am PST
We meet each Wednesday at 10:00 am
Holidays we will skip (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years)
All classes available on demand
Stephanie Tucker
Author & Counselor
Stephanie Tucker is a teacher, author and counselor. She has worked in a healing and training ministry for almost twenty years, with experience running a drug and alcohol recovery center alongside a counseling and healing ministry.